Recent Productions

Medea The Musical

by Hayley Canham / directed by Robb Correll

A rock concert in a courtroom… and you are the jury. Full of crackling dialogue, dark humour and killer tunes, Medea The Musical is a dark, contemporary pop-rock musical

the story of a woman spiralling out of control. Unwilling pawn, madwoman or psychopath?

You decide!


The Lesson

by Eugène Ionesco / directed by Robb Correll

COMIC DRAMA IN ONE ACT: A young woman takes private lessons from an elderly professor and wants to be admitted to ALL university faculties at the same time in the shortest possible time. At the beginning there are strangely funny situations, but soon the professor gains power through his absurd flow of speech. The student, on the other hand, becomes more and more a will-less object. “The Lesson” (French: “La Leçon”) – a play about violence, power and social relations, language and the problem of possible or impossible understanding – is considered THE classic of absurd theater. 


Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons

by Sam Steiner/ directed by Robb Correll

Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons is a play about what we say and how we say it; about the things we can only hear in the silence; about dead cats,  activism, eye contact and lemons, lemons, lemons, lemons, lemons.

The punchy, tightly-packed, non-linear script written by Sam Steiner presents a world in which the British government has introduced a “Quietude Bill”, a new law which limits every citizen’s speech to 140 words a day. It’s a two-hander featuring Bernadette (Anke Breihan) and Oliver (Matthew Wildhaber) as they attempt to navigate their relationship in spite of the new restrictions.


Directed By Robb Correll

A slide show with a selection of photos from shows – in mainly independent and educational contexts – directed by Robb Correll over the 40 years he has been directing.